Wednesday 8 October 2014

Asma Amanina


Assalamualaikum ;) dan Salam Perkenalan

Hari ini, saya (hihihi.. awkward nya guna saya) nak bercerita a little bit about myself.. Uolls can call me Asma Amanina (bukan nama sebenar). This name was given to me by my university's fren cauz they think that it will suit me the best. So, thanz to them :D Bukan nyaa xnak guna nama sebenar.. But one day I will reveal myself when the time comes if needed.

Reasons of why dear me tak nak guna nama sebenar:

1. sebab nak guna this blog as my diary.. so.. kalau korang xkenal aku (uyooh.. guna perkataan aku.. sory lah kalau terasa kasar sedikit) , then, i can tell lot of moments, feeling, story whether it is sad, happy, embarrassing or whatever related :P hehe.. malu lah bila orang tawu rahsia kita.. so.. kita nak simpan rahsia kita as anonymous (it is normal, right?)

2. sebab xnak bagi kawan2 tawu.. haha.. malu sehh ... #blushing

3. sebab nak mintak opinion dari pembaca yang kenal the 'me' from ur reading in my blog.. kawan2 yg kenal pon bagi nasihat yg berguna jugak.. tapi.. saja ja nak tukar suasana ciket..

This is the top 3 reasons..  Therefore, xpayah susah2 nak godam untuk tahu  who am I. If it is really2 necessary for it and u are desperately need to know my true name, then.. you can reach me on this email address :
I will consider ur feeling and ur need from our conversation over there.

Last but not least, I really hope u will enjoy the reading of my journey to find my true self to become a better Muslimah Inn Syaa Allah.


F :)

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