Thursday 9 October 2014

Love Story (Part 2)



I will continue the story from the Part 1..

Nampak nya usaha ke2 untuk melupakan that guy tidak berjaya.. But never mind.. I am a genius.. And good at psychology.. So.. I will use this bakat of mine on myself now.. So.. Cara ke3 untuk melupakan that guy.. is by what?? can u guess??

First.. I add him in the facebook..

The conversation starts with

* The pink box is me :3 (cauz I like pink)
* and let him take the blue box

 so.. conversation kita orang is just as lame and simple as this jaa.. tak reghti lah nak mengorat orang.. herm.. so.. just bole sembang casual macam ni.. nak sembang apa pon xde idea.. so.. this is how the conversation on 20 August end.

So.. cara ke3 nie basically nak make myself rasa bosan terhadap si dia.. iNgat kan boleh lah lupakan dia after conversation lame macam ni.. nampak cam dia malas nak layan jaa.. Tapi.. operasi untuk melupakan si dia nampak nyaa tidak berjaya.. 

So.. kita main dgn psychology lagi.. iaitu.. cara ke 4 kita berterus terang ja.. kalau dia reject, mungkin I can get over with him.. Or kalau dia terima I pon.. I mungkin lost interest with him.. So.. basically, dua2 path macam give more advantage to me.. So.. I should try out this Cara ke 4.

But how do we berterus terang??




This conversation starts on 20 September.

* Him: Macam mana bole suka? kenal pon tak..

So.. xtau lah nak cakap macam mana.. nie flat rejection or what.. u want me to du'a for it? herm...

Ingat kan bole lupa kan dia.. Tapi.. He didnt give an exact or a definite answer. So.. I have no choice but to follow his advice.. Which is by du'a to Allah S.W.T. This is the Cara ke 5 that I decided on.

Selalu tak dengar cerita pasal orang jadi alim sebab bercinta?? Haha.. I will not use this excuse to get close to My Lord Allah S.W.T.
Since last year (approximately) I memang praktis kan untuk solat di awal waktu.. And amal kan SOlat Duha supaya murah rezeki. So, bila Si Dia asked me to du'a for it, it wont give me a problem cauz I believe that Allah S.W.T. is always there with me and He know what is the best for me..

So, I decide.. My du'a for him will be like:


Ya Allah, jika dia memang jodoh ku, kau jadikan lah cinta ku terhadap Mu lebih dalam dari kasih ku terhadap si dia..

Tapi.. jika dia bukan jodoh ku.. Kau jaoh kan lah diri ku dari maksiat dan zina.. Kau bahagia kan lah si dia bersama pasangan nya. 


This is the best du'a that I can give to him.. and this du'a willl be the best for me as well.


Usaha sudah.. Du'a sudah.. Tiba masa nya untuk bertawakal pula :D

This part 2 will end here for now.. This is my very first blog.. Sory kalau bahasa lintang pukang.. Cauz it's been a while that I write on such esei or words. Thank you for reading and I hope u enjoy it.. Coming soon is Part 3.. But I am going to be a little bit busy with my FYP. Wish me luck and pray for my success :D


F :)

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